Fuji 60mm F2.4 Macro | Lens Review

The Fujinon 60mm XF F2.4 Macro Lens, it was in the original trinity of the fuji lenses along with the 35mm and 18mm, my main reason for getting it was to add a macro capable lens to my line up and have something in the portrait region of lenses, which up until recently the 60mm was your only real choice.

I'll keep this review nice and simple with a...

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London, Fuji XE-1 and the underrated 18mm lens.

The Fuji 18mm lens, ofter overlooked as the 'worst' lens in the fuji X lineup, well let you tell you, this lens is awesome.

To test this lens out I though I'd head off and only use the 18mm all day, as such I recently headed to London for quick day trip and took with me the Fuji XE1, 18mm lens and a polarising filter. The filter was a quick addition as I enjoy being able to control reflections and also you loose 2 stops of light so it acts as a kind of...

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My Gear / Fuji X Series Cameras

t's about time I had a re-vamp of the 'My Gear' blog on the website, seeing as over the last year I've gone into a pure Fuji X system of X100, XE1 and XE2 plus lenses, it's time for one of those awesome shots of lots of lovely looking gear laid out over a wooden background.

If you are interested in seeing what I used to shoot then head to my original gear.

Coming from a DSLR system to Fuji has been...

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