Fuji 60mm F2.4 Macro | Lens Review
The Fuji 60mm Macro lens.
The Fujinon 60mm XF F2.4 Macro Lens, it was in the original trinity of the fuji lenses along with the 35mm and 18mm, my main reason for getting it was to add a macro capable lens to my line up and have something in the portrait region of lenses, which up until recently the 60mm was your only real choice.
I'll keep this review nice and simple with a few images, no charts or wall shots here, just my real thoughts on the lens and how it works for me, enjoy.
Touted as a very slow lens to focus the 60mm has seen a lot of flak for its inability to focus well and fast, I can tell you that this is largely rubbish, the lens for me focuses very quickly in the right conditions and is spot on each time. [I'm currently using this lens on a Fuji XE-2]
Most of the problem with using these cameras is people need to re-think how they focus, its mostly contrast detection so try aiming for a light to dark area not flat and even.
Don't get me wrong it isn't a speed demon but is much better than what people have been letting it on to be.
Yes. its a Fuji lens, its crazy good, sharp, contrasty this lens won't disappoint, great for portraits, good for weddings, its main let down is that F2.4 aperture, as I shoot in mostly natural light I'm still keen for that 1.4 of the 35mm, nevertheless it's still great. Macro is very nice it's not 1:1 but really it's fine unless your doing dedicated macro work in which case better get an old nikon macro with extension tubes, its a nice function which comes in handy.
A good portrait/macro lens that can be head for a really good price right now, it's limited in low light and fast moving situations, its great for the way I work but it's gets the most use outside on a clear day, inside I'll use the Fuji 35mm much more. I am tempted for the 56mm 1.2 and it's wide aperture but overall the 60mm is a great lens and worthy of going on your X camera.
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