Claire + Russell - Homme House Wedding Photography, Herefordshire

Outside weddings are the best!
Last year I set out to Homme House to cover the wedding of Claire and Russell, after hearing they were having the wedding at Homme I was really looking forward to it, it's a great venue and as the sun was out they were able to get married outside.
The morning started with bridal prep upstairs and I also found the time to head downstairs and get some details shots of the house all set up for the day. There was a great relaxed feeling in the morning, plenty of time and no rushing about.
The guests soon arrived and made their way up to the garden for the ceremony, Claire arrived in style in the back of a truck which came up from the main house.
After the ceremony it was drinks and canapés on the lawn with a few formal photos to be done, after which we headed inside for the wedding breakfast and some fantastic speeches before the part kicked off proper.
This wedding was shot on my older kit of 2 XE2's.
I hope you enjoy the photos, this was a great wedding to shoot and I hope I get to visit Homme house again soon.