2016 - End of Year Review

This is my end of year review, something which I've been doing for a while now, it's a great chance to reflect on what I've done this year and look at the year ahead, to take a look at the last 2 years click the links below!
This year I have shot 22 weddings and taken 39,673 photos.
Ranging from up in the Lake District to West Wales and down to St. Albans I've managed to get about a fair bit this year, it's safe to say the weddings have all be awesome, fun to shoot and great to meet so many nice people that allow me to do my job.
This year saw a slight change in my gear setup, mainly just refining my choices and getting rid of things that don't get used enough.
The X-M1 and 12mm Samyang are out as is one of the Silver topped XE2's, in their place is a new X100T and the 14mm was my wide angle but I sold that and got a 16mm which is awesome!
I'm still on the XE2's as they are just great cameras for what I need, there is a little temptation to get the XT1 as I've been lusting after a tilt screen for a while. Lets see what deals the March Photography Show brings.
Setting goals is something I've done each year, but I've had a slight change of mind in regards to setting goals this year, and that is that they don't really help me achieve more and only really pay off if I happen to reach the goals I set. So no more goals, just gonna be working hard and moving forward, simple.
I'm going to keep this year's review based around the photos, so below is a brief look at what my 2016 was like, I hope you've enjoyed the blog posts from this year, there is plenty more to come in the new year so stay tuned.
Cheers, Col-